Open Source Chevy Volt Project

Well guys it’s been a while! I own a Chevy Volt now and I just cant wait to fiddle with it! LOL so I started a Group on Facebook for the project and I’ll be adding a website and forum at for the project. After starting the group one of the new member’s Matt Davis Pointed this out. Openpilot Autodrive Project So I think it’s only natural Ardupilot can do the same. But I didn’t create the group just to use autodrive. There is so much more to do than that! Like getting control of the infotainment system and adding an onboard computer to the touch screen built into the Volt. Gaining control of the modules and allowing battery modfications and Fast charging and feature …




Author: Jeff Fraley

A forest is a large area dominated by trees. Hundreds of more precise definitions of forest are used throughout the world, incorporating factors such as tree density, tree height, land use, legal standing and ecological function.

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